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Developing the Young Workforce


Leiths (Scotland) Ltd is connecting with young people across the Northeast of Scotland and other areas in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce.

By doing so, it helps us raise awareness of our vacancies and apprenticeships.  DYW can spread the word and advertise our entry level positions to get the vacancies in front of young people.

The team of Employer School Co-Ordinators work directly with Secondary schools throughout the region to make senior pupils aware of these local opportunities.

Working with DYW:

  • Helps shape our talent pipeline.
  • Raises the Company profile within the local community.
  • Brings diversity to our workforce.
  • Motivates the existing team members through development opportunities.
  • Supports our Corporate Social Responsibility goals.


Benefits for local young people having access to employers through this scheme:

  • Helps preparation for making subject choices.
  • Helps them understand how their interests, strengths and skills relate to specific job roles.
  • Makes links between their school subjects and career pathways.
  • Builds networks, confidence and transferrable skills.
  • Learn which sectors are growing and which roles will be required in future.


The Young Person's Guarantee is a commitment to bring together employers, partners and young people. It aims to connect every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to an opportunity. This could be a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training or volunteering.

Earlier this year Leiths were approved as a Young Person’s Guarantee employer, one of the 816 employers currently signed up to this initiative.

Employer leadership continues to be a key element of the success of the Guarantee and in the delivery of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy – Developing the Young Workforce.

The challenge for the wider education and skills system – including employers, third sector organisation, skills agencies, local authorities and schools – is to ensure that no young people are left behind and that they all have the opportunity to access the right support at the time that is right for them.

Young people are the future of Scotland and our most important asset – it is the responsibility of us all to ensure they are given every opportunity to fulfil their potential.